
Please be aware that this program is tentative and subject to change.

Note: contributed talks are 15 minutes plus an additional five minutes for questions.

All talks are at the BSU Alumni Center.

Wednesday, September 26th

8:00am 9:00am Registration
9:00am 9:15am Opening Ceremony--Welcome by Dr. McCarthy, Dean of the College of Sciences and Humanities
9:15am 10:15am Keynote Speaker: Magic labelings, W. D. Wallis
10:15am 10:45am Coffee Break
10:45am 11:05am Zq-supermagic labeling of Cm▢Cn, Dalibor Froncek
11:05am 11:25am Distance magic labelings of distance regular graphs, Rinovia Simanjuntak
11:25am 11:45am SEMT labeling of disjoint union of subdivided stars and paths, Abdul Raheem
11:45am 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm 1:45pm Invited Speaker: Antimagic and local antimagic labelings of graphs, S. Arumugam
1:45pm 2:05pm A survey of digraph labelings, Alison M. Marr
2:05pm 2:25pm On H-irregular graphs, Andrea Fenovcikova
2:25pm 2:45pm L(h,1)-labeling of Circulant graphs, Sarbari Mitra
2:45pm 3:15pm Coffee Break
3:15pm 3:35pm Total domino irregularity strength of some special graphs, Joe Ryan
3:35pm 3:55pm On the strength of some trees, Akito Oshima
4:00pm 5:00pm Campus Tour
6:00pm   Reception and Planetarium Show

Thursday, September 27th

9:15am 10:15am Keynote Speaker: Some graph labeling problems, Ping Zhang
10:15am 10:45am Coffee Break
10:45am 11:05am My favorite graph labellings, Lowell Beineke
11:05am 11:25am Minimum coprime labelings of graphs, N. Bradley Fox
11:25am 11:45am Prime labeling some trees, hypergraphs, and random graphs, Arran Hamm
11:45pm 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm 1:45pm Invited Speaker: Old and new open problems on distance magic-type labeling, Sylwia Cichacz
1:40pm 2:05pm Generating expressions for a family of labeled grid graphs, Mark Korenblit
2:05pm 2:25pm The s-coloring of signed graphs, Shariefuddin Pirzada
2:25pm 2:45pm Tutorial: Perfect phylogenies, Brad Shutters
2:45pm 3:15pm Coffee Break
3:15pm 3:45pm Invited Speaker: On the (super) local antimagic (total) vertex coloring of graphs, Slamin
3:45pm 5:00pm Open Problems Session
6:00pm   Banquet -- Welcome by Dr. Rivera–Mills, Provost of Ball State University

Friday, September 28th

9:00am 9:20am Video Presentation: On the radio number for corona of paths and cycles, Niranjan P K
9:20am 9:40am Video Presentation: Graceful embedding of a signed graph, Jessica Pereira
9:40am 10:00am Video Presentation: On irreducible no-hole L(2,1)-coloring of the Cartesian product of a path and a tree, Pratima Panigrahi
10:00am 10:30am Coffee Break
10:30am 11:00am Invited Speaker: S-magic and nearly magic labeled graphs, Tarkeshwar Singh
11:00am 11:20am Video Presentation: Some modifications on family of disjoint sets and its applications, Mansoor ElShiekh Hassan Osman Satti
11:20am   Closing Ceremony

2:00pm — Van leaves for MIGHTY in Fort Wayne, IN