Recent Activities

A Graph Editor and Graph Algorithms Implementation System

MIdwest GrapH TheorY Conference XLII

Ohio State University Marion Campus
Marion, Ohio,
April 29 2006.

Presented by Jay Bagga and Sunita Upadrasta


JEdit is a Java based system for drawing graphs and running graph algorithms. This system is basically designed to be a teaching and learning tool. The extensive graphical user interface includes various options for creating and manipulating graphs.

With JEdit we can run graph algorithms with animation, draw special graphs with just a click, and perform simple graph operations. Some algorithms can be run with an animation feature where the user can see intermediate steps as the algorithm executes.

The new version of JEdit includes extensive documentation of classes and an interface for easy addition and removal of algorithms. Several standard algorithms are also included.

JEdit - A JAVA Graph Editor

MIdwestern GrapH TheorY Conference (MIGHTY) XXXV
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
Friday, Sept. 27 - Saturday, Sept. 28, 2002

Presented by Jay Bagga and Elizabeth VandenBerg


JEdit is a Java based system for drawing graphs and for running graph algorithms. A number of well-known graph algorithms are provided, including those for planarity testing and drawing planar graphs on a grid. The algorithms can be run with an animation feature where the user can see intermediate steps as the algorithm executes. The system is extensible in that new algorithms can be easily added.

The system is primarily designed to be a learning and teaching tool. The graphical user interface is menu-driven and allows for intuitive manipulation of graphs.

Student Symposium: "Visualization of Planar Graphs"

Ball State University
Student Center,
Cardinal Hall,
3:30Pm Tuesday March 27, 2001.

Presented by Jay Bagga and Adrian Heinz


A planar graph is a network that can be drawn without any edges crossing. Planar graphs have important applications in the design of integrated circuits, cartography, and other areas of computer science and engineering. In this project, we implement an algorithm in JAVA, which creates a drawing of a given planar graph. In this drawing the nodes are on grid points and the edges are straight lines. The algorithm execution is animated.


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Last updated by Rafi Mohammed on June 3, 2006.

© Copyright Ball State University 2006.