Spring 2017 CS 120: Computer Science 1
Eighth Semi-annual All-section Art Show
Sponsored by the Department of Computer Science

Held in the AJ Atrium on Friday, March 31, 2017 from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM

The collages shown below were created by students in the CS 120 course, and judged by their peers to be the best in each section of the course. Although these could have been created using an image-editing program, these students have written the code themselves to create these collages programmatically by manipulating individual pixels.

This page displays the entries from this semester. You may view entries from all other semesters. All student work included in this and other shows, as well as many other CS 120 students' work is provided in an online digital media repository maintained by the BSU University Libraries.


Section 1

Instructor: Jeff Zhang
Roll your mouse over a collage for a larger image.

"SLVRFSH in SPAAAAACE" by Robbie Cartwright
Freshman; Integrated Studies in VR game development
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part of creating this collage, for me personally, was getting all the items properly aligned on the canvas. My images were not the exact right size in the beginning, so I had to slightly move them around to get them to fit, but once they did, the rest was a breeze. The most rewarding part of this collage's creation is being able to show it off to so many people! I'm an artist myself but I'm not in the art school because I love art and computers (especially VR) so I don't get to show off my art that often. Getting a chance to show people what I do behind the scenes is a real pleasure, so thank you all!"
"Celestial Cluster" by Alan Eichel
Sophomore; Computer Science major
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part of creating my collage was finding the right picture for what I had in mind. I knew I wanted to do something involving space and mirroring, but a lot of the pictures I tried just didn't feel right. By far the most rewarding part of this project was all of the new skills I picked up along the way. A hands-on approach to programming seems to me the fastest and most fun way to learn."
"Beautiful Princess" by Kiel Erwin
Sophomore; Computer Science major
Artist's statement: "What I found most challenging on this project was getting the wording around the border, as well as, the signature placed in the exact spot that I wanted it to be. Between spacing and sizing issues, I had to attempt it several different times to get the final product to look the way I wanted it to. A second challenge I found was getting the last image on the canvas to be half lightened. The most rewarding part was definitely seeing the overall finished product and how good I thought it looked. I felt as though all of the pictures went well together and brought life to the project. I felt accomplished when seeing the final product for the first time."
"Sippin' On Some Syrup" by Daniel Spencer
Freshman; Spanish major
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part of the project was coming up with an idea and flipping the milk shake upside-down. The most rewarding part of the project was seeing the finished piece."
"Stage Fright" by Matthew Gorham
Junior; Actuarial Science and French majors
Artist's statement: "My collage is heavily dependent on image placement so that the different colored sections overlap correctly. Creating formulas for these locations on the original image was probably the most difficult part of the process. I felt that the most rewarding part of the process was simply seeing my work as I had originally envisioned it."
"Mushroom Montage" by Nicholas Myers
Senior; Actuarial Science major, Foundations of Business minor
Artist's statement: "I think the most challenging thing was creating separate iterations of the mushroom picture. I tried making one picture file but it kept saving over each edit I made. I think it was rewarding enough to get some recognition for the amazing Toad. Mario gets too much credit"


Section 500

Instructor: David Largent
Roll your mouse over a collage for a larger image.

"The Odyssey of Life" by Jared Clarke
Freshman; Computer Science major
Artist's statement: "The hardest part creating the collage was the signature. The most rewarding part was the picture manipulation."
"Bear" by Khai Duncan
Freshman; Computer Science major
Artist's statement: "I found adding my signature to be the most challenging part of creating the collage. The most rewarding part of the collage creation was seeing the whole piece come together and be displayed."
"A Dog and a Bee" by Jacob Eckert
Senior; Actuarial Science major, Mathematics minor
Artist's statement: "The hardest part of the project was equally distributing the outside pictures around the collage and then finding the middle for the main picture. The most rewarding part of the project is seeing the different outcomes that can occur with the random colors in the collage."
"Sunsets" by Payton Hartley
Junior; Computer Science major, ISOM minor
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part of my collage was figuring out how to put the signature on the picture and how to resize the pictures to the point where they fit exactly where I wanted them to be in the collage. The most rewarding part was seeing the outcome of the collage. I spent a lot of time on my Spring Break working on it and I was super concerned that none of my ideas would work out. I had to constantly change what I envisioned it to look like which made me very skeptical, but the outcome just showed me that all of my work paid off!."
"Couleur Fleur" by Ellie Phan
Sophomore; Visual Communication major, Computer Science minor
Artist's statement: "The most challenging thing about creating the collage was putting my signature onto my collage because I could not get it onto my canvas without the white background. The most rewarding part of the collage was when I saw my final product. I felt proud of my final product because I created it without a bunch of external help. Since I am a beginner with zero knowledge in Computer Science, I was not very confident in creating coding programs, which is why I always ask for help from my peers. However, in this creation project, I completed it without a ton of help and that made me happy when I used all my skills that I learned on image manipulations to create a cool collage. Therefore, the most rewarding part of the collage creation was the feeling of finally creating a code program without help and understanding coding better."
Thanks for visiting!


Section 501

Instructor: David Largent
Roll your mouse over a collage for a larger image.

"Lambda" by Conner Host
Sophomore; Computer Technology Major, Business Administration Minor
Artist's statement: "The most challenging aspect of the project was creating the code that would create the outcome that I wanted with the picture. The most rewarding part of this project was loading up the code and watching it run successfully."
"Colorful Ben" by Logan Mallette
Sophomore; Computer Science major
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part of this collage was getting all the modified images to line up right on the canvas. The most rewarding part of this collage was definitely seeing the final creation and knowing that I did it right.."
"Footprints in Paradise" by Alison McMullen
Freshman; Computer Science major
Artist's statement: "As soon as I was told about the project, I knew exactly what I wanted to do for my collage. I had an image in my mind and was hoping to create that image. Throughout the programming process, several challenges prohibited me from producing the collage I had hoped to create. One specific problem I had was figuring out how to get the pictures to show up on my canvas. I kept receiving an error, which didn’t allow my code to run at all. Once I figured out the source of the error, I was finally about to see the canvas and slowly put the pictures where I wanted them to be on the canvas. The most rewarding part of creating the collage was seeing the final product that replicated the exact image I had in my mind from the start of the project."
"Can't stop watching the time" by Damon Perkins
Senior; Computer Information Systems major
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part was including the signature on the collage. The most rewarding part was seeing the whole collage come together after putting the time in."
"NOLA" by Morgan Rogers
Sophomore; Chemistry major, Digital Forensics minor
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part of creating my collage was knowing what I wanted the code to do to the picture but not being able to get my code to work to make those changes. The most rewarding part was when I got all my code to work and was able to see the final picture."
"National Weather Map" by Lauren Slaven
Senior; Meteorology major, Computer Science minor
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part of creating my collage was figuring out how to write the code so that I could change each individual tile in the mosaic to a different color. Since some of the tiles needed to be part one color and part another color, figuring out a way to make that happen while still keeping the same number and layout of tiles was also challenging. The most rewarding part of creating my collage was actually getting to see the final product completed. It was really cool to have this idea in my head and then get to see it come to fruition through code that I wrote."
"Yogi's Collage" by Marie Diaz
Freshman; Computer Science major
Artist's statement: "The most challenging part of creating my collage was trying to put the signature on it. Another challenging part was actually putting the pictures together onto one canvas. It was rewarding to have my collage be named one of the best in the classroom. Thanks to everyone who voted for my collage."
Thanks for visiting!

Copyright © 2017 by the collage creators identified above each image.
Spring 2017 CS 120 All-section Art Show organized by David Largent with significant support from Paul Buis, Kim Bechdolt, and Jeff Zhang.