

2:30 - 5:00 p.m.

Science Building 176


3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Science Building 185

Ortrud Oellermann
The Average Connectivity of Graphs and Digraphs I

4:00 - 4:15 p.m.

Science Building 176


4:15 - 5:15 p.m.

Science Building 185

Ortrud Oellermann
The Average Connectivity of Graphs and Digraphs II

6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Walb Student Union 2nd floor lounge


7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Walb Student Union 224



8:00 Registration coffee and standard breakfast fare, Science Building 176

8:50 Welcome Chancellor Michael Wartell

SESSION 1A Science Building 168

9:00 Chordal maximal planar bipartite graphs; Terry McKee

9:15 Small cycle covers of 3-connected graphs; Xiangwen Li*, Hong-Jian Lai

9:30 Trees in graphs with large girth; Tao Jiang 

9:45 Distance properties of edge-deleted graphs; Steven J. Winters 

10:00 Graph connectivity after path removal; Ron Gould

SESSION 1B Science Building 185

9:15 Transition restricted Gray codes: long trees, grids, and digraphs of digirth 3; Elizabeth L. Wilmer*, Michael Ernst

9:30 Stratification and domination in graphs; Ping Zhang

9:45 Classification of minimum dominating sets of hypercubes; William D. Weakley*, Patric R. J. Östergård

BREAK refreshments

SESSION 2A Science Building 168

10:30 Dense graphs that are not absorbing common subgraphs; Grzegorz Kubicki

 10:45 Convexity in oriented graphs; John Frederick Fink*, Gary Chartrand, Ping Zhang

11:00 Upper bounds of dynamic chromatic number; Hoifung Poon*, Hong-Jian Lai, Bruce Montgomery

11:15 Application of graph theory in software engineering; Farrokh Saba

11:30 Forcing concepts in graph theory; Frank Harary

SESSION 2B Science Building 185

10:45 All four symmetric 3-configurations of order twelve are toroidal; Art White

11:00 Embedding extended Mendelsohn triple systems; Vince Castellana*, Michael Raines

11:15 Properties of directed polygon visibility graphs; J. Michael McGrew*, Jay Bagga, John Emert


SESSION 3A Science Building 168

1:30 Hamiltonian connected line graph; Yongbin Ou 

1:45 On the Hamiltonian index and the diameter of a graph; Zhi-Hong Chen*, Hong-Jian Lai

2:00 A generalization of the Oberwolfach problem and Ct-factorization of complete equipartite graphs; Jiuqiang Liu 

2:15 Line completion number - recent progress; Jay Bagga*, Lowell Beineke, Badri Varma

2:30 The best three (tree) and my favorite tree (three); Peter Hamburger

SESSION 3B Science Building 185 

1:45 Strong distance in strong digraphs; David Erwin*, Gary Chartrand, Michael Raines, Ping Zhang 

2:00 A transformation of graphs; Heather Gavlas

2:15 Rainbow Ramsey numbers; Linda Eroh




SESSION 4 Science Building 168

3:15 Antiweb-wheel inequalities and their separation problems over the stable set polytopes; Eddie Cheng*, Sven de Vries 

3:30 Counting labeled general cubic graphs; Gaby Chae

3:45 Vertex-magic total labelings; W. D. Wallis 

4:00 The spectrum of triangle-free regular graphs containing a cut vertex; Rolf S. Rees

Survivor’s Dinner: The reception and dinner Friday night honored Gary Chartrand for his contributions to Graph Theory.