LAN LIN   Contact Info
Associate Professor   E-mail:
    Office: RB 446
Ph.D., University of Tennessee   Department of Computer Science
M.Sc., University of British Columbia   Robert Bell Building, Room 455
    Ball State University
Ph.D. Advisor: Dr. Jesse H. Poore   Muncie, IN 47306

My life has been impacted by some great and incomparable professors. Among them are my Ph.D. and Post-doc advisor Dr. Jesse H. Poore, Dr. Michael D. Vose and Dr. Carl G. Wagner, all from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. To them I owe a deep debt of gratitude forever.

Research Interests


CS 124 - Discrete Structures Spring 14, 23-24, Fall 22-24
CS 224 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms Fall 19
CS 380 - Theory of Computation 1 Fall 24
CS 439 - Rigorous Software Specification and Testing Spring 21, 23
CS 495 - Software Engineering 1 Fall 12-19, 21
CS 496/498 - Software Engineering 2 Spring 13-20, 22



Student Grant or Recognition

NSF Technological Breakthrough Compendium Publication

Book Chapter

Journal Publications

Conference Publications

Invited Talks

Professional Service


I deeply appreciate the opportunities I have had working with my students in research. It is a real priviledge to get to know their amazing talents and individuality. I learned no less from the other side of the education.