What is Influenza?


Influenza, also called "the flu" is caused by viruses. A virus is a microscopic organism that lives in a cell of another living thing called the host. More technically, viruses are obligate intracellular parasites. The influenza viruses infect the respiratory track. Compared with viruses that cause the common cold, the flu virus often causes more severe illness. These viruses are responsible for epidemics of respiratory illness that happen each winter and are often associated with increased hospitalization and death. Influenza averages 20,000 deaths nationwide each year. Most of these deaths are people with chronic illness or the elderly who develop serious secondary infections.

Typical influenza symptoms include fever (100 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit), acute respiratory infection, chills, headache, muscle aches and sometimes extreme fatigue. Although gastrointestinal symptoms can happen, they are rare. The term "stomach flu" is really incorrect and this illness is caused by other microorganisms. You can feel bad with the flu about three to seven days. Beyond that, one should consult a doctor.

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email: David Zage

Last modified: 4/24/98